Sunday, February 28, 2010

Piano Lessons with a little Counseling on the Side

Piano lessons are often about much more than music. One of my teenage students who became a believer a couple of years ago sometimes asks me for advice in handling difficult situations. The past three weeks we have discussed teen suicide and teen pregnancy! She knows the story of a girl at her school who took her life over a cell phone and recently a girl in her class attempted suicide by taking pills and then stabbing herself. Last week she told me about another acquaintance who she is reasonably sure is pregnant. It gave me an opportunity to help her realize that sin has consequences, that abortion is not an option, and that we need to have compassion for people even when they make bad decisions. We prayed for the girl together and then I told "B" she should pray for this girl herself.
This fourteen year old girl is a lovely young lady who needs spiritual guidance as her parents are not Christians. Please pray for me as I guide "B" and my other students when they come to me with tough life questions. Also, pray for M & J, her parents, that they will someday come to know Jesus as their Savior. Thanks for your prayers, Marleen Robinson.