Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mberengwa with Volunteers from FBC Bryan TX

WOW- look at that sunrise. The welcome in this village is unlike anything I have ever experienced. Did you hear that donkey braying last night? We came out at 3 am and just had to turn off our flashlights as the Milky-way was mesmerizing. We started to wake everybody up - it was that incredible.

Seeing and experiencing Africa again through first time eyes reminds us of what a special place Africa can be. After 22 years, as missionaries in Africa, many of these experiences are taken for granted. It is renewing and humbling to be able to see it all again for the first time.

Sometimes our faith can become common place. The holy can become profane, the presence of God taken for granted, the gift of salvation can lose its awesomeness.
Being in Mberengwa this past week reminded us again of how unique Africa is and seeing the Gospel impact lives for the very first time humbled us and made us so grateful to the Father for his amazing offer of salvation at the sacrifice of His Son. Do not lose sight of the preciousness of the gift and the privilege of walking in His grace daily.

Posted by Gregg Fort