Tuesday, March 29, 2011

School supplies for orphans

More than 50% of the kids in most schools in Zimbabwe have only one parent living as a result of HIV AIDS. About 1/3 of the students are orphans. As a result, these children are at risk of not receiving their education. Thanks to several churches in the U.S. who have donated funds to purchase school supplies and Baptist Global Response who has paid for exercise books (like spiral notebooks) we have been able to help many students in rural schools in Mberengwa, in and around Gweru, in Bulawayo and in Harare this year.

After the school supplies are obtained, we go and visit with the headmaster (principal) of each school and seek to obtain a list of the most needy children in the school.

Then we ask him to assemble these children and we pass out the supplies to the children themselves because we want to ensure that the pupils receive them. Then the headmaster usually allows us to address the students and give a brief witness to the students and pray for them.

We have been able to supply children in primary (elementary) schools and secondary (high) school. We do not have middle schools in Zimbabwe.

It is such a wonderful experience to see the excitement and gratitude on the faces of the children who receive the school supplies.

“O God, you are the helper of the fatherless . . .You hear, O LORD, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed. . . God sets the lonely in families.” (Psalm 10:14,17,18, Psalm 68:6a NIV)

Pray for the orphans of Zimbabwe that God would be their helper, that He would listen to their cries, encourage them, defend them, and give them families that will love them and take care of them.