Thursday, April 26, 2012

New Team Members

The Zimbabwe Evangelism Team is excited to be able to finally introduce to you our three new team members! We have 2 journeymen who will be with us for the next 2 years. They will be living in Bulawayo and working with Ramona Beam. They hope to work with teenagers and young adults teaching them the principles of True Love Waits, discipleship, and building Bible Studies in the dorms of the high schools which will be self-perpetuating after they leave.

Jennilee Phillips is from Hahira, GA and considers her home church to be Crosspointe Church of Valdosta, GA. When asked what her vision for ministry in Zimbabwe was she shared: “Prayer walking (around our neighborhood and the schools in which we work). Along with that, I have a vision to, at some point, surround the places at which we are ministering with prayer. God placed it on my heart to do this at my university in the states in 2010 and again last year in 2011. The day before classes started we (the church members in our city) physically surrounded the campus in prayer. It took about 1,000 for us all to be able to hold hands and do this, but the Lord brought all the people we needed to make it happen!!! It would be really cool to be able to do this maybe at a school, or just wherever the Lord wants us to. Even if it is on a smaller scale, it will still be just as powerful! I am hoping to find several people who will help me learn language and using that as a way to share the gospel as well as to encourage and do discipleship with them. I will be teaching purity (TLW) to the youth, and from that, we hope to begin forming weekly Bible studies. I would also love to have an opportunity to minister to or disciple college age girls, even if just a few!” Jennilee has had previous missions experience. She worked with New Orleans Disaster Relief during her Spring Breaks of 2006, 2007, 2008 & also did summer missions in New Orleans in 2008. In the spring of 2010, she spent a semester as a “Hands-On” missionary in Mafikeng, South Africa- Spring 2010
Robyn Allison is from Fort Worth, Texas and the Harvest Church is her home church. Robyn’s vision for ministry: “That the Gospel would take root in the heart of an Ndebele person who would be a catalyst to spread the Gospel among the rest of the people so that the name of Jesus will be known among the Ndebele. Additionally that God would use me in the ministry of True Love Waits to share God’s truth with the youth of Bulawayo along with deep discipleship in order that true and long lasting change will take place in the hearts and mind of the youth. This should help raise up a new generation of godly men and women and decrease the AIDS infection rate in Zimbabwe. Robyn has also had previous mission experience: She spent one week in San Antonio, TX during the summer of 1998 doing Evangelism & a Backyard Bible Club. In the spring of 2002 she spent a week doing evangelism and service projects in the Belton/Temple area of Texas She has also participated in these other mission opportunities: Oklahoma 2001 (1 week) Construction Casper, Wyoming Summer 2002 (1 week) Evangelism & construction Grand Junction, Colorado Summer 2003 (1 week) Backyard Bible Club Chandler ,Arizona Summer 2004 Evangelism & service projects Bisbee, Arizona Spring 2007 (1 week) VBS & construction Ambato, Ecuador Summer 2007 (1 week) Evangelism Guibert, Haiti Spring Break 2008/2010 (1 week) as well as Summer 2009 (1 wk) and Summer 2008 (5 wks) doing orphan care. Rio Grande Valley, Texas Spring Break 2009 (1 week) Construction & Bible Clubs Lima, Peru Winter 2009 (1 wk) Evangelism & Storying (Telling Bible stories) Atlanta, Georgia Summer 2010 Backyard Bible Clubs & service projects.
Lin Pinter is from Orlando Florida and is a member of First Baptist Church of Orlando. She is a retired nurse who will primarily be ministering to the nurses attending the nursing school at Sanyati and working at the Sanyati Baptist Hospital. “My vision for ministry is to draw hospital staff at Sanyati into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. I also hope to minister to their families as well as the patients at the hospital. It is my desire to instill in the nurses a concern for not only the physical needs of the patients, but their spiritual needs as well.” Lin has spent 12 years in Togo, West Africa where she did evangelism in villages, taught English as a Second Language, and taught missionary kids. She was able to teach nursing in some of the villages and held clinics in four prisons.