Saturday, July 21, 2012


Robyn Allison and Jennilee Phillips have begun teaching “True Love Waits” lessons with pastor Vu Lusinga at Coghlan Primary Girls School. They meet every Friday afternoon for an hour with about two hundred 7th graders in the school auditorium.

Robyn explained, “We always tell a Bible story that teaches God’s truth about relating to Him and relating to members of the opposite sex. Then the girls act out skits related to our topic for the day. Then we ask them some questions and give them opportunities to answer and discuss what we have talked about.” Jennilee says, “The most challenging thing about teaching this large group of students is being able to speak loudly and clearly enough to be heard. They understand British English, but our American English and vocabulary is sometimes hard for them to understand.”
“At first I was very intimidated,” says Robyn, “when I saw how many kids we would be teaching and I wondered if we would be able to get them to respond to our questions and interact with us. But it wasn’t a problem, they were very responsive.”
A number of the girls chose to sign the True Love Waits commitment cards.
Pray that these precious young girls who are being exposed to the Truth will embrace it and live their lives in relationship with God and according to His guidelines.