Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Next Generation

As a newlywed, my (Donna Fort) first trip to Zimbabwe

was filled with sights and sounds that were seared on my mind.
Seeing Harare from the overlook,
hearing the roar of Victoria Falls, seeing the herds of elephants coming in to drink at the waterholes.
One of the most memorable events though was when my mother-in-law, Dr. Wana Ann Fort, took me on a tour of the Sanyati Baptist Hospital. Meeting the people who ministered to so many in Jesus’ name was awe-inspiring. At that time, I never dreamed that one day I would be giving my own daughter-in-law a tour of Sanyati Baptist Hospital!
Recently, our son Jason and his wife came back for a visit to Zimbabwe. The first thing on Shay’s list of things to see and do was to visit the hospital and some of the patients. First we went to the maternity ward where we admired the newborn babies and Shay prayed over them.
Then we went to the children’s ward. Shay gave each child a piece of candy and some colouring pages with colours.
Finally, we went to the home where expectant mother’s who are due soon stay near the hospital. Shay enjoyed passing out small gifts and tracts, sharing scripture and praying for each new mother and child, for the children in the ward, and for the expectant mother’s to have a safe delivery. What a special time! How blessed we are to see a new generation of godly children rising up to minister in the kingdom of God.