Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Tongaland Visit

Gregg Fort recently traveled with Pastor G. Mugoni (new Ex. Dir. Of Baptist Convention of Zimbabwe) to Tongaland.   They visited in Gokwe, Nenyunga and all the way up to the Bumi Hills area on the shores of Lake Kariba.  They traveled a very bumpy and winding road so it took most of the day to get there.  This part of Tongaland is isolated from the rest of Zimbabwe by the escarpment that forms the borders of the ancient Zambezi River Valley.   The large hills effectively cut off most communication and transport from their area.

They set up their tent in the middle of Pastor Kongobwe’s village.  After a meal of cooked ground millet meal they prepared for the worship service the first night at his church, Magoverera Baptist Church.   This church building is a long thatch roofed shelter and benches built into the ground with red clay dirt.  The only light for the service came from Pastor Kongobwe’s cell phone.   

The next day, they traveled with Kongobwe to another village where a small church had been started.
Gregg preached about the difference between the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Darkness.  That night 9 people prayed to receive Christ.

Pastor Kongobwe has started three churches besides the church he pastors and he is training lay-leaders in each of the three to lead their own people.  

Pray for Kongobwe and the lay-leaders he is training that God will continue to strengthen them, provide for them and use them to spread the Good News from village to village among the Tonga people.