Saturday, July 16, 2016

Obedience Based Discipleship Training (T4T)

Last week (6-10 July) Gregg and Donna Fort trained 19 men in Obedience Based Discipleship. 

  This is a process whereby from evangelism to discipleship to church formation to leadership training one moves seamlessly through with a plan of action for disciples every time they are willing to say yes to the next step.   It is a process commonly known as Training for Trainers (T4T) that is revolutionizing and multiplying the efforts of those involved in church planting both in the U.S. and around the world.  We are thankful to have received the training and now have the ability to train others.  

Please pray that these men who have been trained and are excited about what they have learned will put it into practice where they live and that they will find obedient, God-prepared people who will help multiply the work of the Kingdom of God on earth.  

Pray also that from these men we will be able to develop a training team that can train other faithful men and women throughout Zimbabwe in this proven process.