Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hands On

Welcome to our semester student Hands On missionaries.

Kara Canterbury, seated in the swing, is from Mt. Vernon Kentucky and has been training with Childlife helping children with "emotional wellness" who are doing physiotherapy, dealing with a protracted illness, or those who have experienced the death of a loved one. Haley Richter, seated on top, is from Birmingham, Alabama. She enjoys doing photography and writing and feels called by God to work with orphans. While they are here in Zimbabwe, they are working with journeygirls Robyn Allison and Jennilee Phillips in schools teaching the principals of True Love Waits, assisting as volunteers in various children's homes (for orphans) and sharing the gospel through their life and testimony. Pray for Kara and Haley that God will open their eyes to see how they can minister to others during the short time they are here. Pray for a compassionate and loving heart toward those they come in contact with. Pray that they will learn to rely on God every day and listen to His voice. Pray for wisdom as they face great needs to know what they can and cannot do and not to feel guilty for the things they cannot do.