Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sanyati Makeover 2012: Picture the Results!

The noise of excited volunteer construction workers at Sanyati Baptist Hospital has come to an end, but the results of their labor of love will be evident for many years to come. So much work had to be done, and if you read back through the blogs you will see the terrible shape the hospital was in before the makeover. Recently, missionary Gregg Fort made a trip to Sanyati. He arrived to this stunning view of the newly painted hospital beautifully framed by these Flamboyant trees.

One of the most urgent projects was getting backup lighting to the hospital due to the frequent and lengthy power cuts at Sanyati. Here you see pictured the new solar powered system.
The new system is capable of supplying power and lights to the surgical theatres (one is seen below), as well as providing lights to the remainder of the hospital!
Another priority was the chapel, where daily services are held and patients and staff are all encouraged to participate. It looks very beautiful after its repairs and painting.
In addition to Baptist donations and construction efforts, the hospital was awarded a government grant to help with some of the refurbishing. The government funds provided for the tile floor you see in the chapel, and throughout the hospital. It also provided for some of the painting which was done as part of the refurbishment process.
It also provided for the repainting of the dormitory for the nursing students.
The government also provided a new ambulance for the hospital.
Thanks to Baptist Global Response and all the Baptists who provided funds and helped by donating their time and talents in the makeover project this year. Stateside Makeover Director Peter Sierson and BGR representative Mark Hatfield will be meeting to determine which needs will be addressed in 2013. Some of the outstanding needs are new covers over the walkways between buildings, the plumbing and the electrical wiring.