Monday, July 28, 2014

Seminary Renovations

Nick Moore, Tyler Moore, and George Fabish of Kentucky recently came to Zimbabwe. Nick is a Ph.D. student at Southern Seminary and a pastor. Representing World Hope Bible Institute, he taught intensive seminary courses to about 18 church leaders and pastors. They studied Missiology and Evangelism, Systematic Theology, and the Basics of Christian Discipleship. According to Nick, the participants had lively discussions and good fellowship during their time together. God is at work "renovating" the hearts and lives of the leaders in Zimbabwe.

While Nick was used by God to Renovate the hearts of the pastors and church leaders, Tyler and George did physical renovations in the Seminary Chapel. Tyler is a robotic and mechanical engineer and George is a contractor for Lowe’s.
They hung up new light fixtures and replaced broken glass.
They also wired a new electric panel, replaced some termite damaged beams and did some roof repair on the library. While at the Seminary, they enjoyed meeting new friends and hanging out with them. Their new friends helped out in various ways as well.
Tyler said, “Sometimes they had a hard time understanding our English accents. We also learned some new vocabulary. We learned that now means relatively soon, but now-now means right now.” Overall they felt it was a very successful week.