Monday, July 21, 2014

Volunteers from Oklahoma help start new church.

In late June, a team from Bartlesville Southern Baptist Church came to Zimbabwe, led by Pastor Paul Rummage,

with the aim of planting a new church at Cheshumba, an area at the base of Mount Mberengwa, which is considered by the local people to be a sacred mountain. The team set up camp on the school grounds of Cheshumba Primary School.
A small team of local pastors had arrived the day before to prepare the way for us, so the first night there was a good turnout for a showing of a portion of the Jesus Film, along with a short evangelistic service.
The next morning, after braving a very cold night in their tents, the team divided into several groups and set out, along with local translators, to visit in homes in the area. The groups were able to share the Good News with many people, and took the opportunity to invite everyone they met to come to the school that night for services, and more of the Jesus Film. In the afternoon the team had the opportunity to visit at the school. They shared songs, a Bible story, and games with the children.
After sharing the story of the “Feeding of the Five Thousand”, one of the team members used balloon art to demonstrate the loaves and fishes. Each child received his or her own “fish” balloon. As the children left school that day, they made quite a colorful sight of hundreds of children heading for home, each wearing their “fish” balloon on their heads!
That evening an even bigger crowd came for the service and there were many who responded to the gospel message. On the second morning at Cheshumba, Carole, who is a kindergarten teacher in the states, was invited to share a special time with the Grade Zero students at the school (the Zimbabwe equivalent of kindergarten). More Bible stories and games, and more balloon art rounded out her visit. Meanwhile, the evangelistic teams went out again, to visit in more homes.
Pastor Paul relates this story about one of his team’s visits in the community: “We came upon a small beer and snacks store, where we found three men. We visited and shared with them. One man, whose name was Honest, seemed very interested. We asked him if he would want to trust Jesus for salvation at that moment. He said no, and mentioned he was trying very hard to improve his life. Concerned that he was thinking about a "works salvation", we explained the grace gift of God. He interrupted to explain that he could not trust Jesus today because he had done so the previous night at the Jesus film showing. However he admitted his struggle in ‘leaving the beer drinking behind’. We prayed with him for deliverance from the alcohol, and encouraged him in his new life in Christ. He was thrilled to know that a new church could help him grow in following Christ. Please pray for Honest.” The team continued all that week visiting in homes each day, and holding services at night. At the end of the week when the Bartlesville team left, the local pastors stayed behind and organized a discipleship class for everyone who had made commitments to follow Christ during the week. It was reported that a large number of people came. Then on Sunday morning, the first service of Cheshumba Baptist Church was held, and twenty-four people attended and signed the membership register! Praise God for this new church!
God is at work in this area of Southern Zimbabwe. Please continue to pray for these new churches, especially for Cheshumba Baptist Church, that God will raise up a lay leader for the church, and that they will continue to grow in their faith and walk with Christ.