Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Worship in Zimbabwe

In our Baptist Churches in Zimbabwe, worship is an exciting and vibrant experience. Being event rather than time oriented the event of worship takes precedence over everything else for the day.

A drummer usually sets the pace for the singing and dancing.

When a pastor prepares to lead the people in worship through the preaching of God’s Word, he will disappoint his listeners (they will feel cheated) if he doesn’t preach for at least 45 minutes to an hour. On special worship days, more than one person may be asked to preach.

The giving of gifts is also an important part of worship. In many of the rural churches the people don’t have much money to put into the offering plate, but they bring chickens, and fruit and produce from their gardens.

After church, the people fellowship as they sit and share a meal together. The meal is always accompanied by laughter and fun as community is celebrated.

Then it is time to pack up the pots, dishes, utensils, and unused food to take home!